
The Look in the Morning

I don`t know why. What I do know is that frequently I have the feeling that something inside me decides the direction of my eyes early in the morning. Without my conscious participation. Sometimes my attention is attracted by light things, such as a nanny taking a baby for a walk, an interesting woman on the car beside me, someone making a joke or just by a smile. Other times, is the exact opposite that takes place: it is an ill-tempered person, a situation of poverty that cuts through your heart, a spoiled child in the supermarket or all the lights turning red ahead of me.
This doesn’t take place always. Most times, the rush, the obligations, the thousand and one things in the market of the day take hold of me early on.
But when this type of look takes place, it gives the tone of the day. I spend the whole day under the sign of these first perceptions. I am sad or happy, tasting from the sweet or the bitter and my discourse becomes pessimistic or optimistic as if I had no say about it.
I ask myself if in the days that none of this happens, in which my eyes do not rest in anything in particular, if it wouldn’t be a surge of stupidity, or to much hurry, or excessive attention turned inside, with the resulting loss of the special dishes life is serving, spicy or tôo light it doesn’t matter, but charged with poetry and reflection and that pass me by without my noticing them.
Maybe these possibilities are always there, waiting only for my inner silence to give them a chance. Maybe not, maybe these are magical gifts, available only on some mornings. Or maybe even, I am only a person learning how to look.